• 14 июля 2011, четверг
  • Онлайн

Creating Tomorrow's Smart Cities: Toronto's Waterfront Revitalization

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Открытый университет Сколково (ОтУС)
4661 день назад
14 июля 2011 c 19:00 до 21:00

ОтУС представляет открытую лекцию одного из ведущих мировых экспертов в области инновационного развития городов Билла Хатчисона. Тема лекции: «Creating Tomorrow’s Smart Cities: Toronto’s Waterfront Revitalization». The Impact of the Internet, the Web, Social Networks and new forms of social communication like Twitter is having the same kind of impact on the world as Gutenberg’s invention of the printing press with moveable type. Except the changes are being compressed into 15 years instead of 400 years. When we add the opportunities from ultra-broadband at 1 Gigabit per second into our homes and high performance computing we are truly entering revolutionary times. A number of cities and communities around the world are taking advantage of these opportunities including Toronto Canada’s revitalization of 2000 acres of its waterfront. This lecture will describe the social, economic and environmental strategies, plans and progress of Toronto’s waterfront revitalization. William G. (Bill) Hutchison P.Eng., FCIPS Bill Hutchison is an international business and social entrepreneur and today he is Chair and CEO of Hutchison Management International and Chair of the i-CANADA Alliance that has been created to raise Canada to Global Intelligent Nation status. From 2006 to 2011 Mr Hutchison was Executive Director; Intelligent Communities for Waterfront Toronto where he led the creation of one of the world’s most advanced community communications systems and arranged $70 million of financing for its installation and operation over the next fifteen years. Waterfront Toronto has a mandate to revitalize 800 hectares of derelict waterfront land immediately adjacent to downtown Toronto. When the project is completed more than $35 billion will have been invested to create homes, offices and parklands for 120,000 residents with 20,000 employees working in the knowledge economy industries. Bill was previously Global Chair, Telecommunications Industry and National Director, Telecoms, Media and Technology for Ernst & Young and during his career he has been the founding CEO of four successful business start-ups and CEO of three corporate turnarounds. As a social entrepreneur he has been the founding chair or founding director of twelve industry and social consortia and foundations. He was Vice Chair of Canada’s National Advisory Board for Science and Technology, chaired by the Prime Minister of Canada; Founding Chair of KINSA: The Kids’ Internet Safety Alliance and Founding Chair of CANARIE Inc., which for the past eighteen years has led the creation and evolution of Canada’s world renowned national research and education high speed communications network. He has also served as a member of the board of directors of fifteen public and private business firms in Canada and the United States over the past twenty years. Bill has been recognized for his work in the Smart City/Intelligent Community field by receipt of the first Lifetime Achievement Award granted by the New York based Intelligent Community Forum. He was named as “One of the Top 35 people in the World to watch in Real Estate Technology in 2009 and again in 2010” and in 2004 he was named “One of Canada’s Top 30 Movers and Shakers in Information, Communications and Technology over the past 30 years”. In recognition for his pioneering and innovations in computing and telecommunications he has been elected Fellow of the Canadian Information Processing Society and Member of the Hall of Fame of the Canadian Information Productivity Awards. Планируется перевод лекции на русский язык.


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