• 4 июля 2011, понедельник
  • Онлайн

Инновационный процесс в Microsoft: от идеи до продукта

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Открытый университет Сколково (ОтУС)
4674 дня назад
4 июля 2011 c 18:00 до 19:30

ОтУС представляет открытую лекцию старшего менеджера подразделения Engineering Excellence компании Microsoft Хазема Аболруса. Лекция на английском языке!

Hazem Abolrous from Engineering Excellence will talk about Microsoft’s approach to innovation. The talk will focus on concrete examples of innovation from Microsoft over the last decade and how Microsoft is organized to produce innovative products and services. He will examine the methodology, organizational structure and tools that facilitate the incubation process. The talk will also examine how the innovation/incubation landscape has changed over the past decade at Microsoft citing some best practices. The speaker will also share examples and case studies of innovation in its various forms Microsoft including labs, research, business groups, grassroots efforts, acquisitions, and corporate programs supporting innovation. The talk explores how all of these efforts work together, recounts success stories, challenges and lessons learned.

Outline of the presentation material:

  1. History of Innovation at Microsoft
  2. Early days
  3. Labs Era
  4. Built-in experimentation Era
  5. A look inside product/service groups with examples of innovation
  6. Importance of Agility
  7. Corporate Programs that help accelerate innovation
  8. Microsoft Research
  9. Top 10 lessons learned


Hazem Abolrous’ experience:


  • R&D for social collaboration experiments.
  • Responsible for helping accelerate innovation at Microsoft through organizing a community of thought leaders in incubation at Microsoft.
  • Consulting with new acquisitions and Microsoft teams about best practices in Engineering Systems, Agile, Quality and Distributed Development.


  • Early to mid 90’s – Entrepreneur/start-ups in diverse industries.
  • 13 years at Microsoft. Held a variety of roles in engineering, marketing, and team management including development, test, program and product management.
  • Worked at MSN, Windows Live, Office, Mobile, Microsoft Consulting, Healthcare and incubation teams.
  • Incubated and led the vision for products and features within Microsoft.
  • Mentored teams on agile methodologies.


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