• 3 июля 2011, воскресенье
  • Онлайн

How design thinking can contribute to your expertise-role in society, workshop, Marcel Vroom & Matthijs van Dijk

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Открытый университет Сколково (ОтУС)
4675 дней назад
3 июля 2011 c 15:00 до 18:00

ОтУС представляет курс An Introduction to Design.

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Reframing workshop




How design thinking can contribute to your expertise-role in society


This workshop will introduce people working with the ‘reframing process’ and also will make them aware how their unique expertise (in economics, technology, physics etc) can contribute to a desired future society.

A hand-out will be developed in which the 8 reframing process steps will be explained. In a pressure cooking setting we will facilitate student groups (max 5 students for each group) working on different domains like mobility, health care, working and living.

At the end of the workshop the students will present the outcomes of the reframing process, but more important, also how they have experienced reframing as being meaningful for themselves.


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