• 2 июля 2011, суббота
  • Онлайн

Design Thinking, Marcel Vroom & Matthijs van Dijk

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Открытый университет Сколково (ОтУС)
4676 дней назад
2 июля 2011 c 16:00 до 19:00

ОтУС представляет курс An Introduction to Design. On Meaning: How to design meaningful interventions on human behavior in a future society. On Stimuli: How to design products and services that elicit the appropriate experience.

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Prof. Matthijs van Dijk — founder and managing director of KVD Reframing, Professor Applied Design at Delft University of Technology

Marcel Vroom MSc. — CEO at mvavd design, Member of the board of Designplatform Rotterdam

  1. 30 minutes introduction — Marcel Vroom MSc. & Prof. Matthijs van Dijk





This introduction first will give insight in what Marcel Vroom and Matthijs van Dijk intrigue and why they in professional life have become who they are.

They will also talk about their current role and position in the (design) world, they will show for which kind of clients they work and they will introduce the main theme of this weekend: how design thinking can contribute to the shift from an engineered society to a human society.


  1. 1 hour lecture — Prof. Matthijs van Dijk



On Meaning:

How to design meaningful interventions on human behavior in a future society


This lecture is on how a shift is introduced from a problem solving strategy to a goal oriented strategy. Instead of focusing on the improvement of means as such this new strategy aims at creating a desired society in which a specific type of human behavior will occur. New knowledge and new technologies, as the outcome of doing research, has to be developed to create meaningful new products and services that make this happen.

Therefore we will explain a few design methodologies developed over the last 80 years. The evolution of the methodologies will emphasize the phenomenon as mentioned earlier. Reframing, as described in the book ‘Vision in Design; a guidebook for innovators’ will have central position in this lecture. We will argue that both a technology push strategy and a design driven strategy is of importance for the next period of time.


  1. 1 hour lecture — Marcel Vroom MSc.



On Stimuli:

How to design products and services that elicit the appropriate experience



This lecture first emphasises on which kind of expertise is needed to play, as designer, the role as described in the previous lecture. Then we will talk about the importance of the development of product and services as such. Because, if these artifacts do not express the appropriate semantic qualities, the effect it has on the end-user (behavior) will be different than originally intended by the designer. We will show in a case study the complexity of the transition of an idea, about what to accomplish with people in a future world, to successful, realistic and desirable, products and/or services. We will show that both abstract thinking as down to earth pragmatic reasoning is necessary to be successful as a designer.


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