• 28 июня 2011, вторник
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The intangible measures of design, Lucca Sacchi & Federico Ferretti

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Открытый университет Сколково (ОтУС)
4699 дней назад
28 июня 2011 c 16:00 до 18:30

ОтУС представляет курс An Introduction to Design

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Luca Sacchi – Program Development at Continuum

Federico Ferretti – Senior Designer at Continuum,  the Product Design Professional Master Courses Coordinator at the Istituto Europeo di Design in Milan

«The intangible measures of design»

Good design starts with people and ends with people.

It is an act of creation, a gift to the future that makes the life of people better, impacting the society and becoming a cultural shared value.

Design is what you can touch or even better what can touch you.

It is not intangible but it works with the intangible.

It is the link with the emotions, aspirations, feelings that creates value.

If doing design was in itself a form of exclusive culture, nowadays it is thinking as a designer that can become an inclusive  way in which the society can shape itself.

It is not the society of the consumption but the one of the participation.

It is a society in which each individual problem, from mobility to global warming can be felt and treated as a design matter.

It a society that doesn’t see economy as an enemy.

It is the awareness that there can be solutions able to  satisfy the needs of both the business and the customer.

Continuum is a global innovation and design consultancy.  The company’s core disciplines include Industrial Design, Design strategy, Service Design, Human Factors, Interaction Design, Sustainable Design,Mechanical Engineering, Environments Design and Electrical Engineering. Since 1983, Continuum has worked with companies worldwide including American Express, Amplifon,, BMW, Dell, Herman Miller, Procter and Gamble, PepsiCo, Samsung, Sprint, Staples, Reebok, etc. Continuum has offices in Boston, Los Angeles, Milan, Seoul and Shanghai.


Luca has a very diversified background: studies that vary from photography to media communication and  then philosophy of science – all “seasoned” by an ongoing research on social and anthropological value of food, theater and public spaces.

As the Program Developer for the Milan office, Luca works with businesses across the European continent.

Prior to joining Continuum, Luca founded  Kaptus, an IT company that developed  software for semantic analysis of data and had clients like DHL, NISSAN, FIAT, ENI, LEGO amongst others. In 2005 Kaptus was acquired by F.P.E. (14 million dollar revenue)  – and Luca became the Account Director and a member of the Board of Directors.


During his tenure at Continuum, Federico has played a key role in leading both tactical and strategic innovation programs helping to wrap business scenarios around people’s desires and dreams. He had excelled in the creation of innovative and meaningful concepts, products and services solutions for different international clients such as Allsteel, BIC, GM, Motorola, NEC, Orange, 3M, Pirelli, Philips, Sennheiser and Samsung.

Prior to re-joining Continuum, Federico co-founded uno: uno designers studio, testing a simplified approach to the product design and exploring the boundaries between process and persuasion. Previously he was Associate Creative Director at Frog Design, leading the ID team and focusing at the convergence of design and interaction. In the early stages of his career he was a toy designer at Mattel and Fischer-Price. 

Federico is an experienced lecturer on product design and design innovation matters, with participations to various educational venues: he taught at NABA in Milan, IUAV in Venice, IED in Turin and Scuola Italiana di Design in Padova. He’s currently coordinating  the Product Design Professional Master Courses at the Istituto Europeo di Design in Milan.


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