• 11 ноября 2011, пятница
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Открытый университет Сколково (ОтУС)
4550 дней назад
11 ноября 2011 c 18:00 до 20:00

ОтУС представляет открытые лекции по теме «Лидерство в сетевой экономике» лекции проводятся при поддержке TIETO. Knowledge. Passion. Results. Модератор лекций – Туомо Сумманен 11 ноября 2011 года, 18.00 Пекка Вильякайнен, председатель правления ALL Capital лекция на английском языке


I truly believe that FEAR is the biggest factor preventing us from growing as business leaders, which is strange, because the world is more open to competition and growth than ever before. Borders are open. Goods, information and assets travel freely. Even consumers have changed. We are more willing to give our TRUST to bankers, shopkeepers and media houses, even if they are no longer located around the corner. So the world is open.

My biggest fear factor as leader is related to my ability to create value for my people. Over the next 30 years I’ll probably need to recruit anywhere between 1 to 100,000 people for my teams. Most of them will belong to the PlayStation generation.

They are better educated, more social, more communicative and more international than I am. How the heck can I, as a leader, make them work for my value creation network? What do I have to change in my own behavior? How can I help them further their careers?

This project has been a long-term dream of mine. While writing this book and building the community, we tried, with all possible humility, to find some real answers and solutions. We are not trying to lecture. We’re trying to facilitate a dialogue and encourage new ways of thinking. By sharing our thoughts, we want to become a part of your value creation network.


Pekka Viljakainen has spent the past 20 years as an ambassador between business executives and technology teams. With a background in engineering from the University of Technology Lappeenranta, Pekka began his career as an entrepreneur in 1986 by establishing Visual Systems Oy. He was interested in the multimedia sector, but the company’s revenues had been coming from traditional IT consultancy. Then in 1994 the Internet started to change the landscape, and VISUAL SYSTEMS LTD   happened to have the right mix of competencies to take advantage of the opportunities.  Pekka proclaimed that “the end – user was king” and that insight, along with dedication and technical expertise allowed the company to capitalize…

In VISUAL SYSTEMS Oy merged their 180-person company with Tieto, which at the time had 4000 employees. Since the merger, Pekka served in various executive positions during which Tieto from a 4500 people business to a company, that now has 19,000 employees doing business in 26 countries. His team consisted of 8350 people in 24 countries of Tieto International.At Tieto, Pekka’s reputation and track record for handling very complex governance and political topics inside large international organizations and delivering results earned him the nickname "Bulldozer".

Thanks to his technical background and passion for business, Pekka was one of the leading architects within Tieto for building a more efficient information society.  He is heavily involved in promoting the necessary preparations for a true revolution of services, and the strategic role of digitalization across Europe, Russia and China.  As a true partner for organizations in most industries, He has analyzed the fundamental changes in consumer behavior and their implications for corporate strategies in all information intensive businesses.

At the end of last year, 2010, Pekka made the decision to step down from his roles at Tieto. After which he embarked upon a new challenge; to write a book called “No Fear”, an attempt to crystallize his thoughts regarding the above-mentioned challenges.  These are closely related to the growth in emerging markets and the revolution brought about with the new technologies. ‘’No Fear’’ was never meant to be a guidebook, according to Pekka, but a platform for leaders around the world to help them rethink their own behaviour and priorities.  In his own words, “The book is not about best practices only, but more about major mess-ups to avoid”.

подробнее http://nofear-community.com/intro.p...

интервью с Пекка Вильякайнен http://www.e-xecutive.ru/knowledge/...



Туомо Сумманен, Генеральный директор Tieto в России и в странах СНГ

Tuomo has years of solid international business experience from earlier roles in M&A, general management, strategy, business development and sales. In addition to Finland, Tuomo has lived and worked in Russia, the United Kingdom and USA.


Before joining Tieto Corporation as General Manager for Russia and CIS countries Tuomo was a Director at KPMG Corporate Finance, where he worked on several cross border mergers and acquisitions. He also worked as Trade Commissioner for the Embassy of Finland in Moscow. Previously, Tuomo was Director for Finpro in Innovation Programs and Regional Director (Russia, CIS, Baltic states, Turkey) in the Finnish Foreign Trade Association. At Sadolin Nobel he was a Director and responsible for a Joint Venture company.


Tuomo has been a visiting fellow at Yale University, researching corporate strategies and strategic partnerships in the telecommunications industry. Tuomo holds a PhD (Econ) degree from Cambridge University.



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