• 18 ноября 2011, пятница
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Открытые инновации – преимущества и перспективы

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Открытый университет Сколково (ОтУС)
4843 дня назад
18 ноября 2011 c 18:00 до 20:00

ОтУС представляет открытые лекции по теме «Лидерство в сетевой экономике» лекции проводятся при поддержке TIETO. Knowledge. Passion. Results. Модератор лекций — Туомо Сумманен 18 ноября 2011 года, 18.00 Марко Торккели, профессор Lappeenranta University of Technology лекция на английском языке

The idea of Open Innovation emphasizes, among other things, that firms can benefit from acquiring valuable knowledge from external sources external and/or selling internally generated technologies, which have low value within the firm’s current business model, to other companies. As such, this prescription for increasing innovative efficiency contrasts relatively sharply with conventional notions of competitive advantage that advocate keeping critical knowledge proprietary to a firm. Accordingly, an interesting question is how the notions of open innovation are received or implemented in different economic environments that offer different levels of protection for firms and their intellectual property. Furthermore, firm level investments in R&D, as well as similar investments in societal knowledge generation or infrastructure at the national level should also have profound impacts on the propensity of firms to engage in open innovation practices.



Marko Torkkeli is the Professor of Technology and Business Innovations (Faculty of Technology Management) at Lappeenranta University of Technology. His research and consulting interests focus on technology and knowledge management, innovation management, strategic entrepreneurship, decision support systems and growth venturing. His work has been published in journals and conferences in the fields of technology management, innovation management and information systems. He has more than 180 publications to his name in these fields. Dr Torkkeli has been engaged in numerous international projects in the USA, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, India, Japan, Russia and across Europe. He was a visiting scholar at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania in 2001 – 2002. Dr Torkkeli also serves as an expert in business and technology management to both private firms and the public sector. He serves as Director (Publications) in the International Society for Professional Innovation Management.


Туомо Сумманен, Генеральный директор Tieto в России и в странах СНГ

Tuomo has years of solid international business experience from earlier roles in M&A, general management, strategy, business development and sales. In addition to Finland, Tuomo has lived and worked in Russia, the United Kingdom and USA.

Before joining Tieto Corporation as General Manager for Russia and CIS countries Tuomo was a Director at KPMG Corporate Finance, where he worked on several cross border mergers and acquisitions. He also worked as Trade Commissioner for the Embassy of Finland in Moscow. Previously, Tuomo was Director for Finpro in Innovation Programs and Regional Director (Russia, CIS, Baltic states, Turkey) in the Finnish Foreign Trade Association. At Sadolin Nobel he was a Director and responsible for a Joint Venture company.

Tuomo has been a visiting fellow at Yale University, researching corporate strategies and strategic partnerships in the telecommunications industry. Tuomo holds a PhD (Econ) degree from Cambridge University.


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