• 24 сентября 2011, суббота
  • Онлайн

Founder-Market-Fit - Finding your passion, and launching scalable technology ventures

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Открытый университет Сколково (ОтУС)
4883 дня назад
24 сентября 2011 c 14:00 до 16:00

ОтУС представляет открытую лекцию Фади Бишара • Founder Blackbox • Advisory Board Member MIT/Stanford Venture Lab (VLAB) • Founder & CEO techVenture, Inc. лекция на английском языке!

Fadi is the founder of  blackbox.vc, a global seed accelerator based in Silicon Valley focusing on supporting the growth of world class change makers and technology innovators. blackbox has taken the lead to “crack the innovation code” of Silicon Valley with the Startup Genome Project, a research project in collaboration with faculty from Stanford University and UC Berkeley to  accelerate the pace of innovation around the world by exploring entrepreneurship as a management science. Prior to blackbox Fadi launched the Cofounder Network to help match hand-selected founders referred by 30+ seed accelerators and venture partners locally and across the globe. As the founder & CEO of techVenture, he’s had 15+ years experience advising, mentoring and building teams for small venture backed technology startups, in the past 5 years alone, he’s worked with 41 startups of which 14 have been acquired (bebo, Lala, Tapulous, CubeTree, MerchantCircle etc. …) and 12 others such as Zynga, Blurb, SAY Media, Causes, Splunk etc. … that are already profitable and growing.


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